Zazzy Bands
The redesigned headband that fits like sunglasses. The ease and comfort, volume and style, and no headache from Zazzy Bandz® will have you wearing your hair down more often.The ergonomic design of both Zazzy Bandz styles are the same size. The Slim-Relaxed Fit is slimmer by design giving it a more relaxed feel compared to our Original Fit Zazzy Bandz.The Original Fit is perfect for normal to high volume hair and those with an average head size.The Slim-Relaxed fit is perfect for those with an average to larger head size and those with increased scalp sensitivity.Unfortunately, if you have thin hair, or a petite, narrow, diamond shaped face, Zazzy Bandz will not work for you.
Exclusive Patterns & Colours For Summer
{% assign collection = collections['exclusive-patterns-colours-for-summer'] %}
{% assign products = collection.products %}
{% assign productCount = products | size | at_most: 4 %}
{% if productCount > 0 %}
{% for product in products %}
{% assign soldOut = true %}
{% for variant in product.variants %}
{% if variant.inventory_management != 'shopify' or variant.inventory_quantity > 0 or variant.inventory_policy == 'continue' %}
{% assign soldOut = false %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if soldOut %}
Sold out
{% endif %}
{% assign imageLink = '' %}
{% if product.images.size > 0 %}
{% assign imageLink = product.images[0].src | img_url: '' %}
{% endif %}
{% if imageLink != '' %}
{% else %}
This product has no images.
{% endif %}
{% assign decimalNumber = 2 | at_least: 0 | at_most: 24 %}
{% if 'token' == 'name' %}
{% assign currencyToken = shop.currency %}
{% else %}
{% assign moneyFormatParts = shop.money_format | split: '{{' %}
{% assign currencyToken = moneyFormatParts[0] | strip %}
{% if currencyToken == '' %}
{% assign moneyFormatParts = shop.money_format | split: '}}' %}
{% assign currencyToken = moneyFormatParts[1] | strip %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% assign data = 'data-decimal-token="." data-decimal-number="' | append: decimalNumber | append: '" ' %}
{% for variant in product.variants %}
{% assign variantPrice = variant.price | divided_by: 100.0 %}
{% assign price = variantPrice | round: decimalNumber | string %}
{% assign priceParts = price | split: '.' %}
{% assign priceIntegral = priceParts[0] %}
{% assign priceFractional = priceParts[1] | append: '000000000000000000000000' | truncate: decimalNumber, '' %}
{% if decimalNumber > 0 %}
{% assign price = priceIntegral | append: '.' | append: priceFractional %}
{% else %}
{% assign price = priceIntegral %}
{% endif %}
{% assign oriPrice = variant.compare_at_price %}
{% if oriPrice %}
{% assign oriPrice = oriPrice | divided_by: 100.0 %}
{% else %}
{% assign oriPrice = 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% if true and oriPrice > variantPrice %}
{% assign oriPrice = oriPrice | round: decimalNumber | string %}
{% assign oriPriceParts = oriPrice | split: '.' %}
{% assign oriPriceIntegral = oriPriceParts[0] %}
{% assign oriPriceFractional = oriPriceParts[1] | append: '000000000000000000000000' | truncate: decimalNumber, '' %}
{% if decimalNumber > 0 %}
{% assign oriPrice = oriPriceIntegral | append: '.' | append: oriPriceFractional %}
{% else %}
{% assign oriPrice = oriPriceIntegral %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% assign oriPrice = '' %}
{% endif %}
{% assign data = data | append: 'data-price-' | append: | append: '="' | append: price | append: '" ' %}
{% assign data = data | append: 'data-ori-price-' | append: | append: '="' | append: oriPrice | append: '" ' %}
{% if forloop.index == 1 %}
{% assign data = data | append: 'data-variant="' | append: | append: '" ' %}
{{priceIntegral}}{% if decimalNumber > 0 %}.{{priceFractional}}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if forloop.index >= productCount %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% if 'Exclusive Patterns & Colours For Summer' == '' %}
Please choose collection to show products from sidebar.
{% else %}
No products found. Please add some products to the collection first.
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% assign collection = collections['zazzy-bands'] %}
{% assign products = collection.products %}
{% assign productCount = products | size | at_most: 100 %}
{% if productCount > 0 %}
{% for product in products %}
{% assign soldOut = true %}
{% for variant in product.variants %}
{% if variant.inventory_management != 'shopify' or variant.inventory_quantity > 0 or variant.inventory_policy == 'continue' %}
{% assign soldOut = false %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if soldOut %}
Sold out
{% endif %}
{% assign imageLink = '' %}
{% if product.images.size > 0 %}
{% assign imageLink = product.images[0].src | img_url: '' %}
{% endif %}
{% if imageLink != '' %}
{% else %}
This product has no images.
{% endif %}
{% assign decimalNumber = 2 | at_least: 0 | at_most: 24 %}
{% if 'token' == 'name' %}
{% assign currencyToken = shop.currency %}
{% else %}
{% assign moneyFormatParts = shop.money_format | split: '{{' %}
{% assign currencyToken = moneyFormatParts[0] | strip %}
{% if currencyToken == '' %}
{% assign moneyFormatParts = shop.money_format | split: '}}' %}
{% assign currencyToken = moneyFormatParts[1] | strip %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% assign data = 'data-decimal-token="." data-decimal-number="' | append: decimalNumber | append: '" ' %}
{% for variant in product.variants %}
{% assign variantPrice = variant.price | divided_by: 100.0 %}
{% assign price = variantPrice | round: decimalNumber | string %}
{% assign priceParts = price | split: '.' %}
{% assign priceIntegral = priceParts[0] %}
{% assign priceFractional = priceParts[1] | append: '000000000000000000000000' | truncate: decimalNumber, '' %}
{% if decimalNumber > 0 %}
{% assign price = priceIntegral | append: '.' | append: priceFractional %}
{% else %}
{% assign price = priceIntegral %}
{% endif %}
{% assign oriPrice = variant.compare_at_price %}
{% if oriPrice %}
{% assign oriPrice = oriPrice | divided_by: 100.0 %}
{% else %}
{% assign oriPrice = 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% if true and oriPrice > variantPrice %}
{% assign oriPrice = oriPrice | round: decimalNumber | string %}
{% assign oriPriceParts = oriPrice | split: '.' %}
{% assign oriPriceIntegral = oriPriceParts[0] %}
{% assign oriPriceFractional = oriPriceParts[1] | append: '000000000000000000000000' | truncate: decimalNumber, '' %}
{% if decimalNumber > 0 %}
{% assign oriPrice = oriPriceIntegral | append: '.' | append: oriPriceFractional %}
{% else %}
{% assign oriPrice = oriPriceIntegral %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% assign oriPrice = '' %}
{% endif %}
{% assign data = data | append: 'data-price-' | append: | append: '="' | append: price | append: '" ' %}
{% assign data = data | append: 'data-ori-price-' | append: | append: '="' | append: oriPrice | append: '" ' %}
{% if forloop.index == 1 %}
{% assign data = data | append: 'data-variant="' | append: | append: '" ' %}
{{priceIntegral}}{% if decimalNumber > 0 %}.{{priceFractional}}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if forloop.index >= productCount %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% if 'Zazzy Bandz' == '' %}
Please choose collection to show products from sidebar.
{% else %}
No products found. Please add some products to the collection first.
{% endif %}
{% endif %}